I can not believe that it is already August and I haven't updated since April. This summer has flown by. So here is what has been going on in the Tipton's life.
May 2nd at about 1:00 am my cell phone rang. Of course we were in the bed asleep. Brandon grabs the phone and hands it to me, it's Amber. I immediately knew what this meant. I talk to Amber and she says her water broke and they are on the way to the hospital. I jump out of bed, wake Brandon up, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed. Brandon slowly gets up and gets ready. He puts on a shirt and decides he isn't sure if that is what he wants to be wearing the first time he meets his nephew. This whole time I keep telling him to hurry up or we are going to miss everything. We jump in the car and head to the hospital, but first we have to turn around in our neighborhood because I forgot the camera. We are on our way! We are driving and all of a sudden we see a car with flashing lights coming up behind us, it's Amber and Andrew! We almost beat them to the hospital. At 3:18 am Hudson Reid was born. I was so excited to finally be an aunt. I love that little man more than I knew I could. He is the sweetest thing in the world. We are very proud to be called his aunt and uncle.
After this huge event, the rest of May isn't really exciting. School was super busy preparing for testing.
June 7 was the last day of school for students. After students left we had about 4 workdays. It was a good year, but I was so glad to see it come to an end. I love my job, but teachers have summers off to regain their sanity!
June 26-July 3 we went to the beach with Brandon's parents. We had a great time. We stayed on the beach most of the day every day. We went out to dinner each night. Brandon ran and I did a little walk/running 3 mornings. We had a great time and hated to see the week come to an end.
That same weekend we got home Brandon, with the help of his dad and Andrew, built a pergola over our patio. It is so nice to have. It has been so hot that we haven't been able to sit outside as much as we would like, but I know once it cools down some we will really enjoy it.
Also with the month of July came babysitting Hudson! I kept Hudson most week days in July. I LOVED every minute of it. It was amazing to see him grow and change over the whole time I kept him. I loved listening to him try to talk to me and watch that sweet little smile when he was happy. I really enjoyed spending so much time with Hudson.
The month of August has brought about back to school shopping and trying to soak up the end of summer. There has also been some sadness thrown our way this month as well. Brandon's uncle passed away. It was a difficult time for the whole family. Brandon and his parents were close with his uncle so it was hard for them to lose him. Although we all know he is in a better place now, it is hard to understand why these things happen.
I am going to try to post some pictures soon of my sweet nephew and of our summer.
Bowen: 10 year old interview
1 month ago
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